Jean R. Jordan, EA
Jordan Tax and Accounting Services Inc., Founder and Manager
2009 - Present
Tax/Firm Manager, Murray and Young - An Accountancy Corporation
Sacramento, CA (2003 - 2009)
Reviewed and prepared federal and state Individual, Corporate, S-Corporate, Trust, Partnership/LLC, Estate, and Gift tax returns
Reviewed and prepared Payroll, Property tax, and Sales tax returns
Met with Clients to discuss tax documents, tax returns, and other consultations
Reviewed and prepared tax projections with different variables and scenarios
Performed tax research and supported special projects as required
Managed all employees including: Tax Professionals, IT, Marketing, and Administrative Staff
Managed Firm HR benefits such as payroll, health insurance policies, 401(k) plan, new hire orientations, employee evaluations, salary reviews, staff event functions, disciplinary actions, and terminations
San Jose and Sacramento, CA (2000 - 2003)
Senior Tax Accountant, Arthur Andersen LLP and KPMG LLP
Reviewed and prepared multi-state Individual, Corporate, S-Corporate, and Partnership/LLC tax returns
Reviewed and prepared tax projections with different variables and scenarios
Performed tax research and supported special projects as required
Managed tax associates
Enrolled Agent
BS in Business Administration, Emphasis in Accounting, CSU Fresno
Minor in Mathematics, CSU Fresno